
  1. Artisan Partners - Application Developer

    • Implemented an auto-retry feature to our Java based report distribution application, which ensures timely delivery of reports to our 207 clients.
    • Created, tested, and deployed a change to the ISITC file export process from our primary order management system Charles River, which plays a critical role in facilitating trade for the firm, with billions of dollars of trades being processed monthly through this system.
    • Transitioned several legacy Java JSP-based websites to Tableau workbooks, capitalizing on our existing Tableau subscription. This shift not only streamlined maintenance but also enhanced data visualization and user experience, leading to the team adopting this approach for additional websites.
    • Created an event-driven system in AWS Lambda using SNS and SQS to capture information whenever an FX currency forward order was placed with a certain broker. The system analyzes the data and generates an email for our settlements team, providing them with valuable insights into which securities are potentially related to the currency hedge.
    • Acted as a key member of CORE, one of the firm's affinity groups, where I spearheaded the creation of an interdepartmental lunch meeting program, bringing together 265 associates from various departments to network and share ideas.
    • Collaborated with the Compliance team to enhance a Java-based trade surveillance application, ensuring daily data compliance with vendor requirements. Automated post-market close processes to FTP daily files on Orders, Trades, Restricted Securities, Positions, and Employees, facilitating efficient surveillance algorithm execution.
  2. Brady Corporation - Software Engineer

    • Worked to deliver an app using the Angular Progressive Web App Framework and Ionic to replace two legacy apps written in Objective-C for iOS and Java for Android.
    • Implemented per-company configurable password requirements in our Link360 Software to retain a client with a subscription nearing $100,000/year.
    • Created a summer intern program with 9 scheduled events including tours and presentations that give our software interns a look into the rest of the Brady business.
    • Implemented a custom “auto-retry step” in our Azure DevOps release pipeline. This enabled us to fully automate our releases.